Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists

When a client is injured in an accident, one of the first things we do is determine how much coverage the at-fault driver possesses. Missouri law only requires individual drivers carry a minimum of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per occurrence in liability insurance. Despite this requirement, some people drive without insurance or let their policy lapse and they may not have any insurance at the time of an accident.

When the at-fault person does not have insurance, they are referred to as an “uninsured” driver. If your damages exceed the insurance coverage of an at-fault party, that person is referred to as an “underinsured” driver.

Fox & Vuylsteke provide a complete and thorough review of your insurance coverage to determine whether you are entitled to additional money for compensation for your injuries. Many times, we discover clients are unaware of the extent of insurance available to them as a result of injury by a careless driver. By carefully investigating the facts of your accident and reviewing all applicable insurance policies, Fox & Vuylsteke will help you and your family obtain a full and fair recovery for injuries caused by careless drivers.